Volcanos don't apologize so why should you?

The Volcanic Rage Goddess, People Pleaser, Perfectionist Police, Orphan Child, Shamebody, Sacred Brat, Goddess of Compassion, & Sacred Slut Goddess to name a few…all live inside of you.

Some are more easily expressed, and others you may be disconnected from.

That disconnection is keeping you from asking for what you need, creating abundance, saying No to toxic relationship dynamics, honoring your body’s need for rest, taking action with work that’s aligned with your purpose, feeling worthy of being seen, heard, and truly cherished.

For example, I grew up in a family environment (which I think was pretty typical) where it was just assumed that parents always know what’s better for you than the child can know for herself. Essentially that because you’re a child you’re dumb. It’s a ‘Power-Over’ dynamic, that’s one sided and doesn’t leave space for the child to have a voice. So as a child, I learned to not be able to trust my own feelings and intuition, and follow what was being told as what’s right for me as the right thing for me. This created a rift within myself. One side of me wanting to please the parent so that I can avoid the pain of disapproval, and the other hidden side that’s disagreeing. The disagreeing side becomes ashamed of herself, even self-harming to control the feelings from seeping out and creating disharmony with the parent.

Your happiness is about including and integrating the disowned aspects you’ve disconnected from, so that you have a truly unconditional loving relationship with all of your selves.

When your outer expression reflects more clearly and authentically who you are internally, your self trust and worth soars.

Also no more polarity war, where one aspect of you is bulldozing over another, which creates anxiety and identity crisis.

You can create democracy from within.

By excavating, understanding the underlying causes, and giving voice to shadow aspects, you can create peaceful resolution and true harmony.

All aspects of you can move forward working together as One, which means flow, healing, and rapid manifestation

This is Shadow Integration, an integral part of CATHARSIS 1-on-1 work

Also check out my CATHARSIS Self-Study Course where I teach on how to understand and integrate different parts of yourself


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